Main Gallery
monodramatic / loose polyhedron
Daisuke Takakura
2016.9.2 Fri-2016.9.24 Sat
TEZUKAYAMA GALLERY is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition ‘Monodramatic / Loose Polyhedron’ by Daisuke Takakura. Takakura is an emerging photographer and has become internationally popular for his ‘Monodramatic’ series. His works were featured on various media such as CNN and The Guardians. Also in 2015, “Crowd“ from the ‘Monodramatic’ series was chosen as the main visual image for Fotofever, a photography fair in Paris. Takakura was born in 1980 in Saitama prefecture. He had been training as a theatre actor since he was a university student and also as a self-taught graphic designer before he established his carrier as a photographer.
Now he works without borders between design, theatre, and photograph with his unique point of view.
In this exhibition, we would be please to introduce the most iconic work from the ‘Monodramatic’ series and also his brand new series ‘Loose Polyhedron’. With the ‘Monodramatic’ series Takakura captures “monodrama” as the theatre style known as a one-man play and uses collage techniques. The models are mostly actors or performers and he directed their actions in order to make a story depending on the location.
The new series ‘Loose Polyhedron’ is also a theatre play concept but he wanted to reduce the distance from the models. Takakura chooses models in their twenties and thirties and focuses on their emotions and expresses possibility and various aspects and also their represses feelings.
Before taking a photograph, Takakura asked them to write their feelings on the pentagon chart and researched their feelings beforehand. Looking at ‘Loose Polyhedron’, it might combine their unstable emotions and our future.
Of the works we are exhibiting, the majority are shown for the first time in the Kansai region.