Request for Information on Phishing Email Incident


We are writing to address a recent incident involving a phishing email that was sent to you, using an address very similar to our gallery’s email address. We are in the process of filing a domain abuse complaint with the company that issued the target domain. In order to proceed with our complaint, we’d greatly appreciate it if you could provide us with the detailed email header information and a copy of the phishing email you received.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. If you are unsure how to retrieve the email header information, you can find instructions by searching for “detailed email header [your provider name]” in a search engine and selecting your email service provider’s help page.

Your cooperation in this matter is crucial in preventing further incidents. We greatly appreciate your assistance.


[Fake address] / /  / / /

[Correct address] /


However, he/she offered some art works to some customers by that fake e-mail, so if you receive this related e-mail, do not response and transfer it to us in advance, please.

Our official e-mail address are and ,please contact to this email.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at any time.

Thank you for your understanding and support.